Monday 22 November 2010

Joined Up Government

22 October 2010 - George Osborne ended his hour-long Commons statement by claiming the 19% average cuts to departmental budgets were less severe than expected. This is thanks to an extra £7bn in savings from the welfare budget and a £3.5bn increase in public sector employee pension contributions.

22 November 2010 - The UK has offered a direct loan to the Irish Republic in addition to contributing to an international rescue, George Osborne has said. Negotiations are continuing over terms but the chancellor told the BBC Ireland was a "friend in need" and it was in Britain's national interest to help.

Asked if the UK contribution would be about £7bn, he said "it's around that".

Another success story for Prime Minister David Cameron, strategically photographed above...


Adullamite said...

Hmmm I am beginning to suspect you doubt these gentlemen's ability my friend?

Stuck At Hame said...

I had the mis-fortune to be in a job that meant I had to visit the up turned boat aka the Scottish Parliament and saw first hand what these Ministers who allegedly run our country are like when in the Parliament Chamber...

All I can say is I'm still left feeling that I see why our country is in the state it is.

Back to School 2022

  A wee bit late with this but the little people have returned to school for another term. Except some of them aren't little any more. A...