The pain of childbirth may have benefits on which women who opt for painkilling epidurals miss out, a senior male midwife has said. Dr Denis Walsh, associate professor in midwifery at Nottingham University, said pain was a "rite of passage" which often helped regulate childbirth. He said it helped strengthen a mother's bond with her baby, and prepared her for the responsibility of motherhood.
From the BBC News Website
An interesting view from a male doctor. I'm sure I read somewhere that scientific research has shown that women have a much lower pain threshold than men. Which is possibly one of the reasons pregnancy takes nine months. I often wonder what it would be like if we men were the child bearers. Given our natural ability to do things efficiently, quietly and effectively, I very much doubt we would need nine months to give birth for a start. Probably have the deed done and dusted in a week, tops.
And what about this year off work nonsense? Pah! I envisage some men having the baby at lunchtime on Friday, heading to the football on Saturday, a few pints on Sunday then back to work on the Monday.Compulsory two weeks off after giving birth? To do what? Lounge around watching Loose Women on the telly chattering about how difficult it is to have babies?
Men would treat giving birth like going to the dentist. A wee twinge but nothing we couldn't handle. We do tend to handle pain better. In fact we tend to handle illness better, too. Women have a wee sniffle and it's severe flu - or a virus. Men fall victim to the near deadly ManFlu although this is difficult to detect as we don't complain. In fact, when we do have ManFlu it's sometimes difficult to believe there's anything wrong.
But, as with most other things in life, women do tend to make a fuss about pregnancy. So until the miracle happens and men can become child bearers, the epidural will be around for some time yet...
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Geez Mike, did you really wanna go there? ;D
In any case, the uh' *cough* esteemed male doctor is right about natural childbirth. I went for it on my last baby because we didn't have insurance. I found a midwife, took "hypno-birthing" classes, the labor was a stroll in the park... till' the end when I almost got an epidural. Luckily, the male anethesiologist was to slow to get there in time so I faced the pain and came out triumphant!! Actually I felt loads better than I had with the other three, where I had epidurals... got up and made breakfast the next day... go me! ;D
As for the male pain threshold... uh, is that what you would call all the sitting around moaing on the couch over a bit of sniffles? I have to stay up all night with the sick kids, even when I am sick myself because of the *cough* excellent male pain threshold. In fact hubby almost passed out at the birth of our kids... though he can chuck large pieces of concrete around like it's nothing.
Ha!! Pain is relative my friend. ;D
(and you shouldn't have gone there if you didn't want to hear birth stories ;p)
Good lord, you are a braveman to open that can of worms-- and I've never gone through child birth :-)
But I have gone through a lot of men (oy, that sounds bad)and every last one of them were B A B I E S when it came to being sick.
I did natural childbirth 3 times. Yes there was pain. Yes it was manageable with education. My daughter had epidutals with her 2 sons. It's a personal thing. I watched when my husband had his vasectomy. He never knew there was a drape covering his "privates". He thoguht he was all exposed and I never told him the truth. That was 25 yrs ago and he still talks about it. Ilove it. lol
Well said Mike! It's time these wimmen stopped moaning and just got on with it. As for 'Mutton dressed as...or 'Loose women' to give it the right name, winging and complaining about nothing for an hour a day, and applauded for this!
If wimmen kept in the kitchen the world would be a better place. :)
Yep, you ain't gettin' any ever again. Welcome to the club!!!
By the way, you might want to have one of Adullamite's axes handy. Women ain't as lady-like as they used to be.
Okay - I'm not that brave! My tongue was firmly in my cheek...
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