Saturday 2 March 2019

A Birthday Greet

When you get to my age you don't really bother about birthdays. I reached 57 years last Tuesday which isn't worth shouting about. However, it would have been nice if some members of my family had shown me a smidgeon of respect on the day. Below are two of the birthday cards I received:

The card on the left has the badge of Hibernian FC on it - Marion's Hibs supporting cousin thought it a good idea to send me this. This possibly had something to do with me giving her a fridge magnet with a photograph of Tynecastle for her birthday last month...

I spent most of my birthday with these horrors...

I'm not saying it was a traumatic experience but here's how I looked before I saw them...

...and here's how I looked several hours later

Still, I was grateful for all the good wishes and presents (mostly) It did occur to me, however, that my father was 58 when he died suddenly in 1997; and his father died suddenly at 40. So, perhaps the clock is ticking for me. On the plus side it will save folks money on presents next year...


Adullamite said...

Well, said he unwrapping next years birthday present and replacing it on the shelf, I am glad you had friends and family around to remind you of how popular you are.
I realise they cost you money in your birthday, ate you out of house and home, but it was love, and that costs.
It would be good if you avoid death next year, I have a great card for your 60th!

Mike Smith said...

I'll try my best, Mr H...

miruspeg said...

I'm a strange one Mike as I love birthdays and I love stringing them out for at least a week celebrating with different friends and of course family.
Your family has a great sense of humour........I wonder where they got that from!!
You take care dear friend, keep shining and keep those birthdays coming.
Big hugs
Peggy xxxx

Mike Smith said...

Thanks, Peggy. I wonder where I got my family from...

Back to School 2022

  A wee bit late with this but the little people have returned to school for another term. Except some of them aren't little any more. A...