Friday 15 March 2019


There never seems to be a week that goes by without news of innocent people being killed by guns or some terrorist atrocity. Today's awful news from Christchurch, New Zealand is sickening. 49 people gunned down in a place of worship.

I don't know what possesses someone to kill people in the way that happened on the other side of the world. What I do know is life has changed forever for those families and loved ones affected by this atrocity. Shock, anger, resentment, helplessness and an underlying feeling of why?

It can be so easy to lose hope when something like this happens. I give thanks that none of my family have ever been caught up in such an atrocity. Therefore, I can't say I can understand what those families and loved ones are going through right now and in the days, months and years ahead. No one can - except them.

That great singer Morrissey once sang there is a light that never goes out. In these darkest of days it's easy to dismiss that and believe light will never shine again for those left devastated in Christchurch.

All we can do is hope for a better world. Without hope we will all be in the dark...

1 comment:

Adullamite said...

It's a sair fecht.

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