The sometimes inane ramblings of a 60something citizen of Edinburgh.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
These workmen are installing bollards to stop nurses from parking on the pavement outside the Royal Hospital in Belfast. They are cleaning up at the end of the day.
I don't know how long it took them to get home though...
Of course, there's probably a conspiracy theory that they either just air-brushed out the van from the photo - or cut it up at night using welding gear!
LMAO!! Thanks for the chuckle - totally needed it. Hope all is well
Hmm, yes, bit of a "Doh" moment. However, isn't it sad,though, when the truth is so much more boring than the photo suggests:-
Here's the truth:-
... and worse still, a google street view to prove it:-,-2.72363&sspn=0.010218,0.027895&ie=UTF8&ll=53.478942,-2.253163&spn=0.004623,0.027895&z=16&iwloc=A&layer=c&cbll=53.478936,-2.253156&panoid=oNLUOWI6CetJ-k18DJfgcA&cbp=12,150.60525306101798,,0,8.305769230769261
Of course, there's probably a conspiracy theory that they either just air-brushed out the van from the photo - or cut it up at night using welding gear!
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